ovavirtual, Author at OVA VIRTUAL Growth. Value. Freedom Fri, 12 Jan 2024 08:22:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://ovavirtual.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/favicon.png ovavirtual, Author at OVA VIRTUAL 32 32 Top Reasons to Hire a Filipino Virtual Assistant (Infographic) https://ovavirtual.com/top-reasons-to-hire-a-filipino-virtual-assistant-infographic/ https://ovavirtual.com/top-reasons-to-hire-a-filipino-virtual-assistant-infographic/#comments Thu, 29 Oct 2020 06:32:57 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=2106 Reliable virtual assistants have been instrumental in many companies’ growth and success worldwide. VAs can provide businesses with the skills and services needed to keep the operations going without burdening the in-house staff with additional workloads that can affect the quality of their work. The entrepreneurs can also have the work-life balance they need to […]

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Reliable virtual assistants have been instrumental in many companies’ growth and success worldwide. VAs can provide businesses with the skills and services needed to keep the operations going without burdening the in-house staff with additional workloads that can affect the quality of their work. The entrepreneurs can also have the work-life balance they need to be productive.

Companies can hire virtual assistants from many different countries as they look for a reliable VA to help with their operations. Entrepreneurs can opt to hire a virtual assistant in the Philippines to help manage many different tasks, including back-office work.

Many business owners have reservations with hiring virtual assistants as they think that VAs are merely additional expenses that won’t be able to contribute to a company’s growth. Because the virtual assistant can’t be monitored inside the office, there’s always the chance that they’ll slack off or go AWOL in the middle of a project. While it may seem reasonable to be wary of VAs, companies need only set up the right precautions in the hiring process to ensure that they get trustworthy assistants to help with their projects.

A Filipino virtual assistant may be the right match for a business looking for reliable and high-quality support, especially when they’re aiming to keep their expenses low. Hiring a VA from virtual assistant companies in the Philippines can help entrepreneurs be successful in their respective fields.

Filipino virtual assistant

The Philippines is a Top Outsourcing Destination

According to Markets Insider, the Philippines is one of the top five countries to outsource to in 2019. Filipinos have been handling outsourced work for years in many different capacities, whether as BPO company employees or freelancers.

Filipino virtual assistants have experience working with overseas clients before and they can provide the VA services a company might need. Filipino VAs can adjust their time to work with their clients’ schedule and produce results on time. Seasoned virtual assistants know how dynamic the requirements of outsourcing are, and they can adjust accordingly to any requests or demands.

Filipinos are Hardworking

Filipino workers are known to give their utmost in their jobs, to the point that they’d even go overtime. Filipinos are known to go well above and beyond what’s asked of them so they can grind and adapt to any pressure their job might have.

VA companies in the Philippines can provide businesses with the right virtual assistant for their needs to improve their productivity. They can keep up with any company’s pace.


Besides the quality output that Filipino VAs can produce, businesses can benefit from the cheap labor costs in the Philippines. Filipino virtual assistants are attractive since companies won’t have to worry about increasing their expenses.

Many businesses choose to outsource to the Philippines because of the cheap yet quality labor that Filipinos can offer. Companies can use the money they saved outsourcing to the Philippines to hire more people or improve their services.

Filipinos are Loyal

As long as a company in the Philippines treats their employees right, they’ll likely stay for long periods as they enjoy their time there. Some Filipinos even stay at one company for 20 years since they’re treated right there. Filipinos value good and positive relationships with their co-workers and employers, resulting in becoming more devoted to the company they’re working at. There’s also the “debt of gratitude” principle that many Filipinos follow that ultimately makes them want to repay someone when they received a favor from that person.

When a company treats their Filipino VAs right, then that VA will most likely stay loyal and work heartily for their employer.

Filipinos are Positive People

Most Filipinos have a bright outlook of life even if they recently got through a calamity or tragedy. Filipinos can stay joyful no matter their circumstances and stay positive even if something terrible happens.

The virtual assistant’s positive outlook can even rub off to their employers and possibly to the other employees. The company can see a significant boost in their productivity as a result.


It might be risky to rely on a virtual assistant, but companies need only to look for a trustworthy company to get a reliable VA.

Trusting in a VA company Philippines will help entrepreneurs scale their business and improve their services. Hiring a Filipino virtual assistant will significantly benefit business owners thanks to the multiple advantages that Filipinos bring to a company.










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Ways to Overcome Top Challenges in Working with a Virtual Assistant (Infographic) https://ovavirtual.com/ways-to-overcome-top-challenges-in-working-with-a-virtual-assistant-infographic/ Wed, 30 Sep 2020 02:21:05 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1809 The Philippines is known for its excellent virtual assistants that are renowned for their work around the world. However, even they can face several problems that make it challenging to produce high-quality outputs in time. When businesses want to hire a virtual assistant, they’ll need to look for reputable people with sufficient resources and capabilities […]

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The Philippines is known for its excellent virtual assistants that are renowned for their work around the world. However, even they can face several problems that make it challenging to produce high-quality outputs in time. When businesses want to hire a virtual assistant, they’ll need to look for reputable people with sufficient resources and capabilities to provide excellent virtual assistant services.

virtual assistant

Look for Filipino VA with Good Internet Connection

The Philippines’ internet connection is usually slow and unreliable, resulting in most Filipinos having a poor experience with the internet. Not everyone has access to fast internet, especially if they’re living in the province.

Businesses must first ask whether a Filipino virtual assistant has a good internet connection to ensure that they can have a good working relationship. Trusting in reputable virtual assistant companies in the Philippines is also a good option for businesses since they’re assured of receiving the best services without worrying about connectivity issues.

Look for Flexible VAs

Virtual assistants have different skills, and some might specialize in one area while others are skilled in multiple areas. While specialists are advantageous for some specific projects, versatile and flexible VAs can develop skills and adapt to any future changes, including the business’s growth and expansion.

Hiring flexible virtual assistants allows a company to retain its VA complement and rely on them in the future for more work. Virtual assistants who can adapt to different circumstances are valuable assets for every business owner since they can remain competitive in the industry when their helper is flexible.

Look for Seasoned VAs

Many Filipinos experience problems with unreliable electricity, thanks to multiple issues with the facilities supplying the power and tropical storms and earthquakes causing power outages. New VAs or unaffiliated virtual assistants might not be able to cope and provide a high-quality output when suffering from power interruptions.

Experienced virtual assistants are accustomed to such disruptions, and they can accomplish their tasks and turn them over on time.

Rely on Virtual Assistant Companies

Looking for a reliable VA can prove difficult as companies suddenly have trouble with them after they suddenly have problems after getting hired. Such virtual assistants might have had no issues before they’re employed, but then come up with different excuses for having “problems” with their internet connection.

Conducting background checks by reviewing online resumes, client feedbacks, complete contact information, and others on any potential virtual assistants is advisable to get a trustworthy VA. Doing so ensures that the company won’t receive subpar output, run into communications issues, and other complications.

While it’s normal for virtual assistants to face obstacles that keep them from working efficiently, outsourcing work to a reliable VA company ensures that such chances are minimal. Businesses won’t have to worry about their VAs faking or making up excuses to get away from work since the company itself already conducted its own background check on their virtual assistants.

Maintain Communications with the VA

Some people hire VAs and expect them to accomplish the tasks without communicating with them any further. Projects tend to fail when the two parties aren’t collaborating, especially by setting unreasonable expectations on the VA.

Ignoring the virtual assistant will make finishing a project more difficult as the VA is left alone to figure things out themselves. Both the VA and their client also won’t be able to form a bond, and the VA will likely end up becoming more of an app than a human being. When people start thinking of virtual assistants as mere tools, the trust will erode, and they won’t likely work productively.

Maintaining communications and leaving open communication channels ensures that both parties can stay in touch. Making an effort to connect with the VA also develops trust that lets the virtual assistant and their client work better together.


If businesses want to hire a virtual assistant in the Philippines, they’ll need to make sure that they get the best VA for their needs. They must also maintain contact with them. The best virtual assistant services will only manifest when both parties collaborate on a project, allowing them to stay in operation even during a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic.

Without reliable virtual assistants, many entrepreneurs won’t be able to adapt to different global events that affect how businesses will fare. It’s essential to rely on a reliable virtual assistant company and collaborate with them to enjoy continuous success.





The post Ways to Overcome Top Challenges in Working with a Virtual Assistant (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

How Virtual Assistants Can Stay Productive and Healthy During This Pandemic (Infographic) https://ovavirtual.com/how-virtual-assistants-can-stay-productive-and-healthy-during-this-pandemic-infographic/ Fri, 21 Aug 2020 07:47:54 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1798 Many people were forced to work from home, thanks to the novel coronavirus and the lockdown measures imposed by different countries. People also tend to work from home for various reasons, including the office going through renovations, employees getting sick, and others. The World Health Organization advised people to stay at home to prevent COVID-19 […]

The post How Virtual Assistants Can Stay Productive and Healthy During This Pandemic (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

Many people were forced to work from home, thanks to the novel coronavirus and the lockdown measures imposed by different countries. People also tend to work from home for various reasons, including the office going through renovations, employees getting sick, and others. The World Health Organization advised people to stay at home to prevent COVID-19 from spreading.

Working from home doesn’t necessarily mean that people suffer from less stress since there are still several issues at home that can damage an employee’s mental condition. Home-based workers tend to feel certain emotions that negatively affect their mental health, which office-based workers don’t experience.

There are many distractions at home, and it’s important to know how remote workers can stay productive while staying healthy.

Virtual Assistants

Set up a Home Office

Working at home gives a person the flexibility to manage their schedules since they no longer have to travel to work. However, as stated before, there are many distractions at home that limit the remote worker’s productivity. It’s advisable to set up a home office to limit distractions and let the worker focus on their job.

People can designate a room as their home office, set everything work-related there, and keep their personal life from that room. Remote workers can set up their home office by investing in desk chairs, tables, and other office equipment to transform a room and make it look like an office workplace. By separating personal life from work life, people can limit distractions and have more focus on work.

Work Only on Designated Work Hours

Some remote employees may be tempted to extend their work hours and get more things done within the day, even outside their regular hours. Some people might even get lax, knowing that they can rest any time since they don’t have to travel home from the office to rest.

The additional flexibility on someone’s schedule provided by their work from home status can result in people overworking. It’s advisable to stick to the designated work hours and stop immediately to rest when the hours are up.

Take Breaks

As mentioned above, it’s important to work only during work hours to keep the remote worker from overexerting themselves. It’s also essential to take breaks now and then to let the brain relax. If possible, take a 15-minute walk, get some lunch, or catch up with loved ones.

Taking a break can improve a person’s productivity levels and stay focused on their tasks. It’s important to take time off from the computer and mobile phone screens, stressors, meetings, and work when taking a break.

Create a Morning Routine

Routine helps people mentally and physically as they prepare for the day since humans are creatures of habit. Without a morning routine to get ready for work, the remote employees may not be able to work productively.

People can drink coffee every morning, do some light workouts, walk outside (if the lockdown measures allow it), or anything else that can help them get ready for the day. Remote workers must also control themselves on how they go to work. They might not be productive when working in their pajamas.

Get Out of the House

Remote workers might find going outside difficult, especially a Filipino virtual assistant, due to lockdown measures, quarantines, and social distancing. When able, people must consider going out of the house to have a new setting. Going outside lets people move their bodies and breathe fresh air, even if they’re only getting groceries and supplies.

Getting outside helps work from home employees and virtual assistants to relax and unwind and introduce a change of pace to keep work-related stresses from becoming routine.

When going out during the pandemic, people must practice social distancing to reduce their chances of contracting the virus. The remote workers going out of their homes must stay several feet from others and avoid crowds to stay safe from COVID. If they feel ill, they should stay home to keep others safe.

Socialize with Others

If the remote employee can’t go outside for some reason, they can connect with their coworkers online to keep them from feeling isolated. Among the problems of remote work-life are loneliness, disconnection, and isolation, which can negatively affect a person’s mental health.

If a remote worker is demoralized due to lack of connection, it could translate to productivity and keep them from being excellent on the job. By socializing with other remote coworkers, they can help each other out and keep themselves sane and healthy while working from home.

People should also keep in touch with their friends outside of work since they’re more likely able to help the remote worker in times of need since they already have a well-established relationship.


VAs can only offer high-quality virtual assistant services when they can manage their mental health and when they can limit distractions to focus on work. It may be difficult for office-based employees to adjust to remote work due to the pandemic, but it’s essential that they know how to adjust so they can stay productive and enjoy their work lives.

Hardworking Filipinas can become a part of a virtual assistant company Philippines’ team and achieve a work-life balance that they might not have when they freelance alone. Join our team to find great online jobs in Admin, Sales and Marketing, Project Management and Research, Customer Support, Accounting and Bookkeeping, and others and enjoy a long-term career as a virtual assistant.





The post How Virtual Assistants Can Stay Productive and Healthy During This Pandemic (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

Role of Virtual Assistants in the Post-COVID World (Infographic) https://ovavirtual.com/role-of-virtual-assistants-in-the-post-covid-world/ Wed, 15 Jul 2020 07:15:28 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1781 More and more companies worldwide are shifting to remote work as the novel coronavirus continues to mutate, effectively keeping people inside their homes. Some countries managed to curb the spread of the virus, but others weren’t as fortunate. The imposed lockdowns or mandatory mass quarantines were lifted on some countries due to their successes on […]

The post Role of Virtual Assistants in the Post-COVID World (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

More and more companies worldwide are shifting to remote work as the novel coronavirus continues to mutate, effectively keeping people inside their homes. Some countries managed to curb the spread of the virus, but others weren’t as fortunate. The imposed lockdowns or mandatory mass quarantines were lifted on some countries due to their successes on the pandemic or economic reasons. However, many employees still prefer to work at home.

Many people still prefer to work remotely to keep themselves from getting infected with the virus, while others are forced to work from home due to their companies’ policies. Businesses in the Philippines are now looking for remote workers to fill their ranks, resulting in them looking for a reliable Filipino virtual assistant.

COVID-19 is not forever, and companies that shifted to a remote work setup or hired a virtual assistant will likely realize the advantage of virtual assistant services. Even when the pandemic is over, VAs will remain and fulfill a variety of roles.


Creating Content and Managing Social Media

Websites and social media accounts need relevant content to ensure that brands can continue engaging their clients. Most people depended on their social media accounts to get their news and connect with friends during the pandemic, and many companies took advantage of this to get new clients.

Creating content and managing social media accounts take time to accomplish. It also takes someone skilled in content creation to produce relevant content for a company’s online platform. Virtual assistants can help manage their website and social media by strategizing and implementing the business’s digital and social marketing goals.

Other brands will likely take advantage of the increased online traffic and grow their client base, so other entrepreneurs should do the same. Without staying competitive during the pandemic, a company will be left behind after COVID-19 ends.

Taking Care of Repetitive Work

Companies tend to have many dull and repetitive work that the regular staff doesn’t enjoy doing. Such activities shouldn’t be neglected, or else a company won’t function well, but pushing the task to the regular employees can hamper their productivity.

Hiring a VA from a reputable virtual assistant company Philippines can help businesses take care of repetitive tasks, including managing a database, daily updates, making calls, and scheduling interviews. Virtual assistants can also help companies find recruits and onboard them when they’re hired to increase their employees, especially remote ones.

Put Processes in Place

Companies tend to have inefficient processes set up that negatively impact the business. Most workplaces aren’t equipped for convenience, keeping them from having streamlined operations. Many companies are also ill-equipped to survive the coronavirus pandemic since they can’t get their employees to work remotely and manage them.

Business owners and their staff typically can’t allot much of their time to set up new processes since their busy with their day-to-day activities. Virtual assistant companies in the Philippines have excellent VAs who can set up more efficient processes for various businesses. It’s advisable to hire a virtual assistant to help enterprises to have the capability to function remotely.

Thanks to a virtual assistant’s services, companies can find out their inefficient processes and improve them.

Continuously Support Companies with Remote Work

As stated before, virtual assistants can help companies operate remotely, and they can continue supporting such businesses after the pandemic. VA companies in the Philippines can help business owners become successful.

Virtual assistants can help entrepreneurs ensure that their businesses are future proof since coronavirus isn’t the only thing that can disrupt operations. Seasoned freelancers and virtual assistants managed to cope with the job uncertainty during the coronavirus crisis because they got through other disruptions in the past.

Because many businesses were devastated by the pandemic, virtual assistants will likely help ensure that companies can weather the pandemic and resume their normal operations after the work disruption ends.

The best virtual assistant services during a crisis include managing schedules virtually, equipping entrepreneurs with video conferencing capabilities, and managing ad hoc work. Such activities can continue after a crisis and keep a business competitive by allowing it to hire and manage virtual assistants and other remote workers to increase their numbers at a low cost.

VAs help companies survive the pandemic and other crises. Business owners must know where they can hire an excellent virtual assistant to help their businesses adapt to global events and keep them running. Trusting in an excellent VA company Philippines will ensure that entrepreneurs can receive exceptional and affordable virtual assistant support for their operations.







The post Role of Virtual Assistants in the Post-COVID World (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

Why Are Virtual Assistants Crucial During the Pandemic? (Infographic) https://ovavirtual.com/why-are-virtual-assistants-crucial-during-the-pandemic-infographic/ Fri, 26 Jun 2020 04:31:05 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1765 The global Coronavirus pandemic crippled many businesses worldwide as lockdowns were imposed, and both customers and companies limited their expenses. Some companies either closed down because they weren’t capable of operating remotely or continued their operations by ensuring that their staff is sufficiently equipped with the technologies necessary to work from home. Not all businesses […]

The post Why Are Virtual Assistants Crucial During the Pandemic? (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

The global Coronavirus pandemic crippled many businesses worldwide as lockdowns were imposed, and both customers and companies limited their expenses. Some companies either closed down because they weren’t capable of operating remotely or continued their operations by ensuring that their staff is sufficiently equipped with the technologies necessary to work from home. Not all businesses have such capabilities, and they’ll likely need help to continue offering their services.

Seasoned virtual assistants can help panicking businesses during the pandemic by offering high-quality remote services. Not all companies have experience in managing remote employees, and looking for the best virtual assistant services available can help remote work become more manageable. Virtual assistants are instrumental in ensuring that a business survives the pandemic.

Some freelancers face job uncertainties during the pandemic, but seasoned ones know how they can manage during this time. Virtual assistants may seem like an added expense for businesses, but their services are indispensable for the current situation.

Why Are Virtual Assistants Crucial During the Pandemic? Infographic

Allow a Company to Operate Remotely

A business might not have the necessary resources to have the employees work from their homes, resulting in its operations ceasing entirely. Companies can hire a virtual assistant to support any employees that might be able to work remotely or hire a full team to take over operations temporarily.

Virtual assistants can process administrative tasks, social media, book-keeping, appointment scheduling, and others. Should a company thrive during the pandemic, like delivery services, it can opt to hire virtual assistants like social media managers to help with its marketing efforts.

Allow a Company to Continue Operations with Little Additional Costs

Many companies have reservations about hiring virtual assistants since they see hiring remote workers as an unnecessary expense. However, outsourcing work and hiring remote employees from countries that offer cheap labor will keep their expenses low while getting high-quality work. VA companies in the Philippines are excellent for firms that need help without shelling out significant amounts of money.

The rates for VA services generally vary per country, and there are countries with more affordable rates, making them ideal locations to outsource work. Businesses reeling from the effects of COVID-19 can keep themselves afloat by hiring a Filipino virtual assistant. The VAs are paid only according to the hours they worked, and companies don’t need to pay for sick days, vacations, and health insurance.

Receive Suggestions and Support from Seasoned Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants are talented individuals with plenty of experience with other clients and are much more used to remote work than others. The wealth of knowledge and skill that VAs have can aid businesses to weather the pandemic.

Virtual assistants can advise their clients on how to cope and future-proof their business. The pandemic isn’t the only event that can cause disruptions and negatively affect sales and operations. Businesses in the retail, agriculture, and travel industries are much more prepared than others and have likely prepared contingency plans to deal with such situations.

Companies that aren’t ready for the sudden changes necessary to continue operating during the COVID-19 pandemic can benefit from reliable virtual assistants’ support. Businesses and entrepreneurs can seamlessly adjust to prepare for future remote work setups by managing schedules virtually, equipping companies with video conferencing capabilities, managing ad hoc work, and others thanks to seasoned VAs.

Even dance teachers who have problems setting up online dance classes can receive support from virtual assistants and set up an online platform. Virtual assistant services can help people set up an active online presence to conduct their business.

Manage Backend Work

As mentioned above, some companies can thrive during the coronavirus pandemic, and they might not be able to manage the resulting backend work, including invoicing, data entry, and others. People can hire a virtual assistant or two to help manage the work while the demand for their services is high.

Many companies frequently had problems with their workload in the past, and the COVID-19 could have changed it in different ways. Businesses might have lost most of their standard workload as their clients cut down their expenses or increased as people continued to transact.


Virtual assistants are instrumental in ensuring that businesses stay afloat even during uncertain times like the pandemic. VAs already know how to work remotely, and they can help those who aren’t ready for remote work to continue operations.

Without the services of reliable virtual assistants, countless entrepreneurs and companies won’t likely be able to adapt to global events like another 9/11, natural disasters, political unrest, and the current coronavirus pandemic. People must be able to hire dependable VAs when the need arises, to ensure that they can remain competitive in their respective industries.


The post Why Are Virtual Assistants Crucial During the Pandemic? (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

10 Most Recommended Books that Every Virtual Assistant Must Read https://ovavirtual.com/10-most-recommended-books-that-every-virtual-assistant-must-read-infographic/ Fri, 08 May 2020 06:41:22 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1736 Many people find freelancing and working from home as attractive employment options. Every freelancer will have a particular reason for wanting to work from home, but they’ll need to know how they can thrive in the industry to make freelancing worthwhile. Skills are one thing, but knowing how to take advantage of them to ensure […]

The post 10 Most Recommended Books that Every Virtual Assistant Must Read appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

Many people find freelancing and working from home as attractive employment options. Every freelancer will have a particular reason for wanting to work from home, but they’ll need to know how they can thrive in the industry to make freelancing worthwhile.

Skills are one thing, but knowing how to take advantage of them to ensure one’s success in the industry is another. Freelancers can equip themselves to stay knowledgeable by reading books, especially when they’re experiencing some downtime. Below are some of the most recommended books that every virtual assistant must read to ensure that they can perform well in the industry.

10 Most Recommended Books that Every Virtual Assistant Must Read


1. The Freelancer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams―On Your Terms by Sara Horowitz

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to close down or shift to a work from home setup, and some of those left jobless might have looked to freelancing to earn money. Regardless of how one started to freelance, they must know how they can be successful in the industry.

Every freelancer will suffer from different challenges and setbacks in their careers, and The Freelancer’s Bible helps with the general problems of freelancing. Sara Horowitz’s book gave people advice in case they encounter some issues while working. The book can help aspiring virtual assistants in setting up a home office, creating a contract, negotiating with clients, and others.

2. The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

Freelancing lets people work while staying in control of their time, and those who’ll participate in the industry must know how they can stay in control. Tim Ferriss explains in the book The 4-Hour Work Week how people can earn five-figures through online work without being swamped with work.

Managing one’s time is essential to fully enjoy being a virtual assistant since getting overwhelmed with work makes it seem like working as a full-time employee, thanks to the workload.

3. Rework: Change the Way You Work Forever by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

Success is hard to find when becoming a virtual assistant if people don’t know how they can achieve it. People tend to overthink when it comes to undertaking something big, like ditching day jobs in favor of freelancing.

David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried stated that freelancers should focus on accomplishing tasks instead of concerning themselves with the competition. Freelancers should only think of how they can become more productive and how they can do it through their work.

4. Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Hadley

Virtual assistants specializing in content creation will need to know how to write, and they need to know how to write excellently. Everyone can write, but not everyone has the mastery to make content that sells.

Reading is one way to improve one’s writing skills since it lets a virtual assistant glean some knowledge on how to write. Successful writers are those who were able to perfect their craft and write great content. Knowing how to stand out from other writers and excel in content marketing is essential to become a successful writer.

5. Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships in a Hyper-Connected World by J. Kelly Hoey

Becoming a freelance virtual assistant is only the first step to becoming successful since they still need to build relationships with their clients. The world is substantially connected nowadays, and only those who can stand out and make a network will reap the benefits of freelancing.

J. Kelly Hoey shares practical ways to grow a virtual assistant’s network and stay in business in case anything unprecedented occurs.

6. Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media by Brittany Hennessy

One way to establish influential relationships and gain clients is by effectively using social media. The world is indeed connected, and it’s all thanks to social media. Virtual assistants must know how they can use their accounts to build a powerful personal brand intentionally.

Freelancers and other self-employed people must know how they can use their social media accounts to make money. Brittany Hennessy broke down how people can pitch to their favorite companies and grow their audience.

7. Warm Email Prospecting: How to Use Short and Simple Emails to Land Better Freelance Writing Clients by Ed Gandia

Becoming a self-employed virtual assistant is difficult since they’ll have to get the clients themselves. To ensure that they can land the right clients at the right price, they must learn how to write emails excellently to get clients.

Freelancers communicate with their clients, primarily through emails. People pitch their ideas and make connections through emails, and they should know how they can write short and simple messages, especially since long ones aren’t appealing to the eyes.

Ed Gandia can teach you how to send emails like a professional in his book.

8. Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

Self-employed remote workers might make the mistake of developing an enormous ego due to their initial successes, only to get wrecked afterward. Ego can boost one’s self-esteem, but it also tends to blind people from their faults and keep them from improving.

Freelancers must keep their ego in check since it’s their number one enemy. One’s ego will only get in the way of a person’s success. Ryan Holiday’s book Ego Is the Enemy can help virtual assistants in this regard and ensure that they’ll remain humble throughout their careers.

9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey

Many people might not have enough confidence in their skills and abilities and keep themselves from doing their best in their work. It’s also possible that people might not strive to become a virtual assistant because of lack of confidence.

People should read Stephen R. Covey’s book and try to develop the seven habits to become a highly capable individual and change themselves for the better. It’s essential to adopt practices to be able to deepen their understanding, build better relationships with others, become better leaders.

10. The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Timers, and the Self-Employed: The Only Personal Finance System for People with Not-So-Regular Jobs by Joseph D’Agnese and Denise Kiernan

Everyone wants to become successful, but it’s all useless if freelancers can’t manage their finances properly. The individual virtual assistant might have a wide connection of clients to rely on for work, or they might have earned a significant amount of money, but they must make sure that they don’t waste their earnings in wasteful purchases.

Everyone has bills to pay, and freelancers are never secure in their careers, especially if something happens to keep themselves from getting clients. Managing one’s finances ensures that a virtual assistant can survive even if there’s an economic downfall.



The post 10 Most Recommended Books that Every Virtual Assistant Must Read appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

The Freelancer’s Way to Managing Job Uncertainty During the Coronavirus Crisis (Infographics) https://ovavirtual.com/the-freelancers-way-to-managing-job-uncertainty-during-the-coronavirus-crisis/ Tue, 14 Apr 2020 03:33:55 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1727 Many businesses around the world have suddenly either ceased or shifted to work from home setups to continue their operations. Many office-based workers were laid off from their jobs or were forced to work from home. Freelancers are also affected as many of their projects were cancelled as various businesses cut down their expenses by […]

The post The Freelancer’s Way to Managing Job Uncertainty During the Coronavirus Crisis (Infographics) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

Many businesses around the world have suddenly either ceased or shifted to work from home setups to continue their operations. Many office-based workers were laid off from their jobs or were forced to work from home. Freelancers are also affected as many of their projects were cancelled as various businesses cut down their expenses by ceasing their operations.

There are still companies that continue to operate during the coronavirus outbreak, and the competition to get any remote job offers will be fiercer than ever as prices go down to help manage the current crisis. Freelancers will have a hard time coping with these times, which is why they must know how they can weather these times to survive.

Virtual Assistants

Adjust Spending Habits

One of the essential things that everyone affected by the crisis must do is evaluate their finances so they can remain financially secure. Those lucky enough to have worked on multiple projects in the past might have emergency funds should they remain jobless or at least have a hard time getting projects for an extended amount of time. The ideal amount of income to serve as an emergency fund is around 3-6 months’ worth of income.

Regardless of how much money freelancers still have on hand or in their bank accounts, they will need to adjust their expenses so they can cut back on their costs. Eking out is a must to ensure that people can last for as long as possible with little to no sources of income.

When possible, freelancers should look for ways to increase their savings. Being able to get additional work doesn’t give anyone the freedom to spend carelessly. Any income gained in these times must be allotted to one’s savings to ensure that they won’t run out of money during the outbreak.

Adjust your skillset

There will be an even tighter competition on available freelance jobs during the COVID-19 outbreak, as both veteran freelancers and those forced into the industry due to circumstances compete to get a job. Several freelancers have lost several thousand worths of projects as their clients opted to cut their expenditures and postpone their advertising projects.

There will be a change in demand for freelancers as several skillsets will see more use than the others. The companies that will continue their operations will likely have little need for advertising projects and will instead require assistance with back-office work and other projects to keep their businesses afloat.

Freelancers will likely be employed as executive virtual assistants, social media managers, writers, and others that a business might need. Those who need to get a gig will need the skills that are in demand so they can make a profit.

Freelance writers can offer their services to their regular client base to write blog articles or newsletters regarding COVID-19 developments to reassure their customers.

Plan, Train, and Prepare for the Future

COVID-19 has led to a downturn in various industries, and this can be worrisome for many people who have suddenly tried their hand in the freelancing industry. Veteran freelancers who have weathered downturns before aren’t too nervous with the downturn resulting from the coronavirus outbreak.

There are different opinions regarding the state of freelancing in the business world as freelancers see the downturn lead to an increase of demand for remote workers or for remote work to skyrocket only once the virus is under control.

Freelancers can weather the current downturn by creating their action plans to prepare themselves when everything’s gone back to normal. Remote workers can offer online courses or publish action plans to help other freelancers. Working on these will also keep a freelancer from getting rusty.

The sudden downturn is also a perfect time to take on online training courses and learn new skills. Freelancers who are looking for additional clients during the outbreak will need to learn new skills right now.

Connect within your network — and outside of it

The freelance world is volatile by nature, which is why freelancers must establish a network of professional support to aid them in hard times. Having a network can help remote workers stay employed as they go back to their past clients or are referred to new ones who might need a freelancer to work on something.

Freelancers can also get connected with companies to become virtual assistants so that they won’t have a hard time looking for clients on their own. Having the backing of a company will ensure that a freelancer can have an easier time weathering downturns.



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Virtual Workforce Statistics That Prove Remote Work Is The Future (Infographic) https://ovavirtual.com/virtual-workforce-statistics-that-prove-remote-work-is-the-future-infographic/ Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:43:34 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1719 Virtual assistants are continually proving that they are instrumental in the business world since they allow companies to focus on their growth and delegate back-office work and other myriad tasks to a remote workforce. The fact that companies can get reliable virtual assistants to work remotely from countries that can offer cheap yet skilled labor […]

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Virtual assistants are continually proving that they are instrumental in the business world since they allow companies to focus on their growth and delegate back-office work and other myriad tasks to a remote workforce.

The fact that companies can get reliable virtual assistants to work remotely from countries that can offer cheap yet skilled labor like the Philippines makes it more enticing to hire more people who work from home. One can say that a virtual workforce and their remote work is the future, especially since more and more companies are looking for freelancers and the likes and because there’s also a growing number of homey cafes that freelancers frequent.

Current State of Freelancing and Virtual Workforces

The freelancing world in the US is now slated to see a significant increase by 2027, as the majority of the US workforce will start freelancing. The following are the current statistics on the United States:

  • 36% or 57.3 million US workers are freelancers who work remotely from home. Collectively, they contribute around $1.4 trillion to the economy annually.
  • Of all the freelancers in the US, 63% said that they decided to be freelancers by choice.
  • 61% of freelancers specialize in around two to three talents.
  • Even though 77% of freelancers said that their financial stability did not improve after ditching their day jobs to freelance, but 68% of them said that their lives improved and that they became happier after working remotely.
  • 63% of freelancers agree that it’s more secure to have a diversified portfolio of clients than only one employer.
  • Of the freelancers in the US, 41% plan on staying as freelancers, and 45% agree that they feel more secure with their independent employment.
  • 63% of freelancers dip into savings once per month, while only 20% of full-time non-freelancers save money.

Many professional Filipinos have already decided to start freelancing to have additional income or have a change of pace in their daily routine. As such, the freelancing world is seeing a continuous rise not only in the US but also in other countries that will then give businesses significantly more options when hiring a virtual workforce.

Productivity Boosts

The nature of a virtual workforce differs from that of a standard office-based workforce, and their environments also vary naturally. The different nature and settings of the two workforces affect their respective productivity.

  • A study stated that people who work from home see an improvement in their work performance by 13%, and the company the virtual assistants work for saw a $2,000 increase in their annual profit.
  • Americans collectively spent 29.6 billion hours when commuting to work in 2014, but working from home cuts commuting times to zero.
  • Around 43% of companies employing freelancers save up at least 20% in labor costs alone.
  • 36% of businesses employ freelancers because of time saved on tasks like onboarding and recruiting.
  • 42% of large and midsize enterprises hire remote workers to meet seasonal demands.

Due to the low-stress environment of a home, virtual assistants are reportedly much more productive than office-based workers, while being able to save on expenses. Companies can also reap the benefits of their productivity as remote workers handle the tedious work that businesses have.

Work-life balance

Virtual assistants are only productive because of their work environment that differs from a conventional one. The resulting low-stress work environment results in the workers having a healthier work-life balance.

  • A PGI study stated that 82% of workers reported lower stress levels, while 80% reported that they had high morale.
  • According to 70% of all full-time freelancers, freelance work is significantly less stressful than that of a regular job.
  • Around 42% of freelancers state that their freelancing jobs allow them the flexibility necessary to be able to handle their circumstances without hampering their availability.
  • Of all the freelancers, 72% agree that the nature of their work allows them to live the lifestyle that they want.
  • 92% of millennials said that they want to work remotely.
  • 87% of millennials said that they want to work according to their own schedule.

A virtual workforce does not need to report to the office to work, and they can better manage their time as a virtual assistant.

The Future of Freelancing and Virtual Assistants

Virtual workforces will only become more popular as time goes by, primarily because of both technology and the internet. More and more people will be able to work remotely, and many companies will resort to hiring people who work remotely to save up on company expenses.

  • Around three in four freelancers said that technology made it easier to find freelance work.
  • 64% of freelancers found work online in 2018.
  • Around 67% of freelancers in 2018 saw an increase in work found online.
  • About nine in ten freelancers believe the freelance industry’s best days are still ahead.
  • 48% of all freelancers and 70% of all full-time freelancers view freelancing as long-term engagement.


Virtual assistants working remotely are the future for businesses as the younger generation of workers prefer to be able to manage their time and live the lives that they want, more than being able to earn big in a traditional job. Being able to manage time in the comforts of either a home or a café is tempting as it can eliminate stress and allow people to enjoy their lives.

Businesses will also be able to benefit as their expenditures will be reduced, especially when they hire from a country offering cheap labor. As both companies and younger people realize the benefits of freelancing and a virtual workforce, working remotely will only grow in popularity over the years.



The post Virtual Workforce Statistics That Prove Remote Work Is The Future (Infographic) appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

Why should I hire a VA through OVA Virtual? https://ovavirtual.com/why-should-i-hire-a-va-through-ova-virtual/ Mon, 16 Mar 2020 12:54:10 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1712 Making the decision to hire a VA is just the first step. You also have to go through the whole process of actually finding one who will be a good fit for your company. This bit isn't easy. While there are many stories of how the best virtual assistant came along and helped to save a founder's bacon, there are just as many horror tales of hiring the wrong person.

The post Why should I hire a VA through OVA Virtual? appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

When you hire a VA, you’ll need to put enough time and effort to teach them of your business specifics. You’ll also sometimes need to provide learning curve, just to make sure that the VA you’ll get is right for you.  

So, what’s the best way to find a great virtual assistant? How does the experience compare when hiring a freelancer, or going to virtual assistant companies that provide these services?

Having a VA has become not only a trend but also a necessity for businesses to optimise work. 

Making the decision to hire a VA is just the first step.

You also have to go through the whole process of actually finding one who will be a good fit for your company. This bit isn’t easy. There are many stories of how the best virtual assistant came along and helped to save a founder’s bacon. But, there are just as many horror tales of hiring the wrong person.

Weigh it up – hire a freelancer or go through a company? 


Get our guide here:

Finding a virtual assistant? You will need to figure out where to hire a VA.

You might decide to find a freelancer, so perhaps you ask around among entrepreneur friends (none of whom want to give up their own “rockstar!”), or you start your search online. If you Google “virtual assistant for hire,” you are assailed with options. You might end up scrolling for hours through a marketplace like Upwork, or you find some individual websites or freelance VAs and line them up to compare.

You spend a lot of time digging into individuals, trying to figure out if they are trustworthy and reliable, and whether they can actually do the job.


 In short, finding a probable list of freelance virtual assistant candidates takes hours of your time.

 On the other hand, a reputable Virtual Assistant Services company can cut that search time right down. A company like OVA Virtual, who sources and hires out virtual assistants that will work hard to ensure that they’ve got good people available for their clients – it’s in the best interests of their business too. 

Virtual Assistant Services companies (if they’re any good), will have already screened their VAs and ensured that they have the required competencies and characteristics to work well for remote-based clients.


Hiring a virtual assistant

We offer virtual assistant service in almost all aspects of a business that lets us handle the more significant part of your work-related or personal tasks so you can devote yourself to accomplishing what matters most.


What can OVA Virtual do for you and your business?

We offer virtual assistant service in almost all aspects of the business. Lets us handle the higher, more significant work-related or personal tasks. Devote yourself to accomplishing what matters most.

While we take pride in being a virtual assistant company made up of successful Filipinas. We keep in mind that we are so much more.



Need something different? Ask for a consultation to customise any of our service packages.

The post Why should I hire a VA through OVA Virtual? appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

Are Virtual Assistants Good or Bad for Business? https://ovavirtual.com/are-virtual-assistants-good-or-bad-for-business-infographic/ Thu, 20 Feb 2020 07:36:20 +0000 https://ovavirtual.com/?p=1706 There’s no doubt that virtual assistants are currently instrumental in the growth of many businesses around the world. VAs have allowed business owners to save time and focus on their companies’ growth by enabling entrepreneurs to assign a myriad of tasks to them, including back-office work. Even though many companies have already benefitted from the […]

The post Are Virtual Assistants Good or Bad for Business? appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.

There’s no doubt that virtual assistants are currently instrumental in the growth of many businesses around the world. VAs have allowed business owners to save time and focus on their companies’ growth by enabling entrepreneurs to assign a myriad of tasks to them, including back-office work.

Even though many companies have already benefitted from the services of reliable virtual assistants around the world, many business owners still have reservations on whether or not they’ll hire virtual assistants. One reason why some entrepreneurs are holding back in getting a VA is that looking for the perfect one is challenging and virtually impossible.

virtual assistants

Worries Regarding Virtual Assistants

There are several worries that business owners feel when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant, to the point that they consider whether hiring one is even worth it.

Communication Issues

One valid concern that business owners have when working with virtual assistants is their communications. Both employer and the remote workers will have to communicate to be able to accomplish anything. Business owners can contact their VAs through chat, call, or video call. The problem with having to communicate remotely is the resulting misinterpretation of the messages and the risk of losing contact with the virtual assistants.

Should power outages and calamities occur, it stands to reason that entrepreneurs will not be able to communicate with their remote workers. When communications are lost between the employees and the employer, then their productivity will likely drop.

Since virtual assistants are found everywhere in the world, the likelihood of messages being misinterpreted due to the meaning and context of the message being lost in translation will be high. Due to the remote nature of the VAs work, communication between the two parties will be troublesome. There is a lesser chance of misunderstanding when the two parties talk in person.

No Personal Supervision

Business owners can easily monitor their employees if they have an office-based workforce, but if they have a remote one, then it’s significantly more challenging to manage them. Virtual assistants can easily be assigned a variety of tasks to accomplish, even on a deadline, but checking the quality of their output is another thing entirely. Virtual assistants handed tasks that require proper supervision won’t be easily checked on.

The progress of the virtual assistants’ may be tracked, but companies can only see the quality of their output when the outputs are delivered to their employers. Managers will not be able to comment and clarify things with their virtual assistants quickly due to the problems with communications.

Data Security Risks

Some companies are reluctant when it comes to hiring virtual assistants since there’s a chance that data breaches will occur, especially since the virtual assistants will have access to several sensitive pieces of information so that they can accomplish their tasks. To mitigate the risks of data breaches, companies will have to be cautious when hiring a virtual assistant by conducting a thorough background check.

 Advantages of Having Virtual Assistants

The worries that business owners have when it comes to hiring virtual assistants are valid since they naturally come with the territory. Having people working from home in one’s employ will come with its share of challenges that can make coordination between employer and employee difficult.

Worrying that a virtual assistant can be bad for business is okay, but entrepreneurs shouldn’t forget to keep the advantage of having one in mind.

Cheap Labour

Not all companies can afford to hire a full-time employee since they cost a lot, what with their monthly wages and auxiliary fees. Businesses can opt to employ capable freelancers to fill their ranks when they still can’t afford to get a permanent employee, while receiving high-quality output, as long as they screen the applicants thoroughly to ensure that they get the right VA.

Virtual assistants are significantly cheaper than office-based employees, especially the ones from the Philippines.

Effective Workload and Time Management

One reason to hire a virtual assistant for the company is to make efficient use of their time. Some entrepreneurs and business owners resort to either learning new skills or having their employees learn new ones. Hiring virtual assistants is a cheap and efficient way to ease the weight of a heavy workload from the regular employees to a remote one.

Virtual assistants are excellent for companies that are struggling with deadlines and cannot handle more tasks. No business owner wants to decline a client needlessly, especially if their reason is that they can no longer accept more work. Looking for the best virtual assistant services will help businesses manage their time and workload.

Allow Companies to Operate 24/7

Hiring foreign virtual assistants gives companies the chance to have a remote worker that operates in a different timezone. The time difference will let companies have a workforce that can work even when everyone else is asleep since they can ensure round-the-clock efficiency that can boost overall productivity. The mere fact that foreign virtual assistants can let companies operate 24/7 is enough to ask whether or not a company can afford not to have a virtual assistant.

In conclusion

Hiring a virtual assistant may seem bad for a business only when they employ incapable VAs or when they don’t make an effort to look for a reliable one. The advantages of hiring a virtual assistant outweigh the disadvantages, and such can be enough to say that virtual assistants are good for businesses.

Hiring a virtual assistant is risky, but with due diligence, a company will be able to get a reliable virtual assistant.



The post Are Virtual Assistants Good or Bad for Business? appeared first on OVA VIRTUAL.
